Interested in this Product or Item, but can see find it or see it on Stores?
Please fill in the form below, we will contact you ASAP for your Special Needs!
General Policies:
- All requests to bring a product that we do not have in stock, can be ordered in the next container (by sea in a period of fifteen to twenty-two days and subject to availability) or courier (by air in no less than seven days and subject to availability) covering the shipping costs.
- All requests will need 50% of the value of the product. Applies for payment in TC, transfer and cash.
- When the product has arrived at our establishment, the client has a period of 48 hours to pick up his order and close the sale, if not, the product is placed in the store and the 50% that he paid in advance is lost. The customer has 7 days to pick up the order, in the event the product has not been picked up without prior notice the product will be added back to the shelves and a 15% (total value) restocking fee will apply, and the balance will be applied as a credit to their account.
- There is constant variation in transit times and shipping costs.
- Response time of approximately three days.